CSP Cares

CSP Cares showcases what’s important to Cary Street Partners: our culture, community involvement and core values. We care about our community and foster an environment of charitable service and giving. We aim to support and empower the philanthropic work of our employees.

Teaming Up To Squash Food Insecurity

Nick Rishcoff, Tom Tullidge, Sue Davis, Lissie Stagg, Jaimal Hayes, Wes Gallup, Brandon Herrin, Paula Megan, Patrick Black and Kevin Mitchell donated a day at Shalom Farms to provide fresh fruits and vegetables to local communities. Together, they sowed seeds, spread mulch, pulled weeds, and cleared irrigation — furthering the mission that everyone deserves healthy food access.

CSP Volunteers at Shalom Farms
A closeup of a man and woman jogging wearing a white shirt with the CSP Olympics logo.

Faster, Higher, Stronger – Together!

Inspired by the Summer Olympics, Fall Fitness Challenge 2024 recruited employees, family and even furry friends from all 18 offices to complete weekly challenges. A discussion forum buzzed with recipes, podcasts and workout reflections, and a speaker series featured Janice Shaheen of JAS Nutrition & Fitness. Top teams will choose charities for a donation, reinforcing our commitment to community and well-being.

Donate Blood with Cary Street Partners

The holidays are a busy time, and it’s easy for blood donations to slip off the to-do list. In this season of giving, join us by literally rolling up your sleeves and making a life-saving donation. Fill out the form and schedule your appointment today – it’s quick, easy, and truly impactful!

CSP Volunteers at Salvation Army

Serving families in our community

CSP colleagues spent the day at the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree Distribution Center in Richmond VA assisting families as they picked up gifts for their children and loved ones. This meaningful experience reflects our unwavering commitment to CSP’s core values of care and service.

Did you know?

CSP Employees Get Paid Time off

to dedicate their time and talents to volunteering.

Silver clock showing 11:17

Our local offices

Cultivating The Communities We live In

Featured heart At Work

Doug Stewart being recognized at Virginia Tech game.
Doug Stewart being recognized at Virginia Tech game.

Championing college athletics — a winning strategy!

Once a Hokie, always a Hokie. Virginia Tech alum and CSP Board Chairman, Financial Advisor and Managing Director Doug Stewart supports his alma mater as an honorary Hokie Benefactor Circle member. His over $1 million in cumulative giving helps fund scholarships, enhance and build facilities, and positively impact the overall VT student-athlete experience.
Watch Doug Get Recognized

United for Community Wellness

Cary Street Partners Charlottesville Team volunteering at the Greene Care Clinic.

Our Charlottesville team recently volunteered at the Greene Care Clinic as part of United Way's Day of Caring. The clinic helps residents in need who either aren't offered health insurance or simply can't afford it. In an effort to improve the overall health of our communities, our team cleaned and organized medications and supplies, which will be provided to patients free of charge at appointments and community wellness events.

Putting culture & community center stage

Construction sign in front of Millwald Theatre with marquee that reads: "Thank You Cary Street Partners"

Financial Advisor, Russell T. Jones, has been working with a special leadership team to restore and expand the historic Millwald Theatre which served as the cultural heart of downtown Wytheville, VA for nearly eight decades. As a founding member of the Board of Directors, Vice Chairman, and on the Capital Campaign Steering Committee for the theatre, Rusty—among others—works to inspire his community with the reopening of the culturally significant theatre which is set to be completed before the end of the year.